scavenger hunt


Dress and Drill:

  1. Fishing rod?
  2. Stuffed owl?
  3. Long saw?
  4. Pump?
  5. Wooden bowl?
  6. Typewriter?
  7. High chair?
  8. Adding machine?
  9. Dentist drill?
  10. Baby’s dress?
  11. School bell?
  12. War drum?
  13. Horseshoe?
  14. Painting of a school?
  15. Red stool?

Come in and look around!

Boat and Bandolier:

  1. Dugout boat?
  2. 1865 newspaper?
  3. Native bandolier?
  4. Graduation dress?
  5. Confederate money?
  6. Information on milkweed pods?
  7. Model stable?
  8. Picture of Fisherman’s Paradise?
  9. Dr. Rodger’s retirement story?
  10. Butter mold?
  11. Picture of the woodenware factory?
  12. Bellaire Airport model?
  13. Egg timer?
  14. Hair wreath?
  15. Abacus?